The need for traps has been recognized for many years and tens of thousands have been installed throughout the Lower Mainland. However, many of the older designs of traps have failed and now their replacements are failing. There are a number of designs currently in use. Three in particular are the older cast iron model, the newer sheet metal and PVC friction fit designs. Unfortunately records are showing that many CB’s have working traps installed, when in fact thousands of those have failed.
Cast Iron traps are heavy, bulky, and difficult to install. Their boxy shape makes them susceptible to being knocked off the sidewall of the catch basin by cleaning equipment. They're very difficult to reinstall and it wastes a lot of valuable time to put them back into place.
Cast trap failure has allowed debris to infiltrate the system.
A failed cast trap buried in debris after falling off.
Sheet Metal traps protrude into the catch basin, and therefore easily dislodged during the cleaning process. Due to their loose fit, they can actually be sucked out of the lead. They are often buried at the bottom of the CB and get permanently damaged during cleaning. The multi-part design often falls apart and parts are frequently sucked into the vacuum system, making it impossible to reinstall the trap.
The Friction Fit design concept often fails because of the variances in the size and shape of lead pipes. These traps often fall out soon after installation because of road vibration.
This Aluminum Friction Fit trap is not functioning because
several pieces are missing from its multi part design, including the front flap.
Aluminum Friction Fit traps are easily dislodged during the cleaning process; because of their loose fit, they can be sucked out of the lead.
PVC traps have similar problems to the sheet metal traps, except they break even more easily. They are easily dislodged during the cleaning process and they can be sucked out of the lead. They're often buried at the bottom of the CB in debris, and get permanently damaged during cleaning. They often fall out soon after installation due to road vibration.
A finished PVC Trap assembled with steel hardware. Round 6” openings allow for passage of 6” materials.
Fabrication is inconsistent; cutting & slotting in this fashion weakens the PVC, making it brittle & subject to breaking.